

“Delnas Vasaras Skola 2019”, is the 4th annual anti-corruption and transparency summer school organised by Transparency International Latvia’s chapter. This year it took place in Cesis, Ruckas Muiža, from June 27th to 30th.

Over period of four days it gathered more than 30 motivated cilvil society activists from different regions of Latvia, such as Cesis, Daugavpils, Jelgava, Kandava, Kuldiga, Liepaja, Ludza, Olaine, Pavilosta, Saulkrasti, Sigulda, Tukums, Valmiera and Riga. Very diverse and eclectic groups of people, age 19-58, representing various professional backgrounds – journalists, teachers, political party and local NGO activists, students, etc. Coming as individuals or representing NGOs, all joined by the common goal to fight corruption and learn more about:

  • how to increase transparency, accountability and good governance in public contracting, use of EU funding;
  • how to use open data, research & journalism for transparency;
  • how to use social activism to promote transparency, promote citizen participation and engagement.


Delna’s summer school provided participants with opportunity to hear not only from local anti-corruption and open data experts, local government representatives but also anti-corruption and transparency experts from Lithuania, Estonia, and Sweden.

Summer school was opened by Mr. Janis Rozenbergs, Mayor of Cesis and Mr. Valdis Liepins, Chairman of Delna, TI Latvia Chapter.

Lectures and workshops were led by experts:

  • Dāvis Sirmais, KNAB, Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau of Latvia
  • Pierre Mesure, Open Data expert,  Digidem Lab, Sweden
  • Nellija Ločmele, editor in chief of Latvian magazine IR
  • Lolita Tomsone, director of Žanis Lipke memorial and a social activist.
  • Madara Ūlande, The Social Entrepreneurship Association of Latvia (SEAL)
  • Līga Stafecka,PROVIDUS researcher in the field of good governance and anti-corruption
  • Atis Egliņš-Eglītis, Cesis Municipality
  • Aive Pevkur, Transparency International Estonia
  • Ieva Dunčikaite, Transparency International Lithuania
  • Antonio Greko, Janis Veide, Liene Gatere, Transparency International Latvia


Lectures, Q&A time, as well as work in groups was opportunity to discuss how to enhance access to information, increase the level of transparency in public contracts and in governance in general. Many of participants admitted that it was beneficial to hear lecturers talk about these subjects from various perspectives. Participants enjoyed practical examples given by Cesis Local Municipality representatives Jānis Rozenbergs and Atis Egliņš-Eglītis. Their passion and genuine approach was very refreshing for many of the participants, as many of them confessed their disillusionment about their local municipalities. This was a great change to shed a different light on how things can be done, chance to demonstrate good local examples, thus enhance trust in public authorities and the fact that not everyone uses power and authority in a corrupt way.

Janis Veide from Transparency International Latvia gave an engaging lecture about Integrity Pact and ‘Rīgas satiksme’ (Riga City Traffic) Case Study. Some people found it very helpful to hear from Dāvis Sirmais (KNAB, Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau of Latvia) about their work on preventing and investigating corruption.

Absolute favorite for summer school participants as well as for the organizers was the Saturday afternoon discussion with Nellija Ločmele, editor in chief of Latvian magazine IR, her daring stories about uncovering corruption cases, testimonies and anecdotes of years in investigative journalism.

Several of the participants found the sessions about open data led by Ieva Dunčikaite from Transparency International Lithuania, Antonio Greko from Transparency International Latvia, and Pierre Mesure from Digidem Lab (Sweden), particularly helpful and inspiring as they gave insight about how open data is used in other countries, as well as fresh ideas about participatory budgeting. There was a lot of discussion about what would motivate local municipalities as well as national level governance institutions to  increase commitment to work more transparently, make data available in a truly open data format, simplify administrative procedures and improve regulatory actions.

The last day of summer school day was planned in a way to leave the participants inspired and equipped with tool kits for further action. Lolita Tomsone, director of Žanis Lipke memorial and a social activist and Madara Ūlande, director of The Social Entrepreneurship Association of Latvia, shared lots of very practical information and allowed time for group work, during which people identified what are the things they already have (tools, network, passion, personality traits, understanding where to look for help, funding, etc.) for effective civil activism and what they would need in order to activate positive change in their home towns and municipalities.


The summer school was strategically planned to coincide with Conversation festival LAMPA and summer school participants had a chance over period of two days to attend not only recommended discussions on anti-corruption, democracy, civic activism, but also any other subject that interests them. In our forever-changing world, the Conversation festival LAMPA creates an environment and an impulse for personal growth. The festival offerings enable one to overcome apathy – two uplifting days, during which one can sharpen one’s mind, expand one’s horizons, challenge one’s assumptions. It is an inspiring and energizing platform for everyone, who has something to say. Everyone, who wants to learn and talk about issues important to Latvia, Europe and the world. It was inspired by similar democracy festivals in Denmark, Sweden and Estonia.


(Video language: Latvian.)

“We do not have to settle with corruption, we ought to fight against it. One person can achieve a lot. To fight for one’s and societies common good is an honor…”


“Dare to do, to seek help, the change will follow…”


“I was inspired to be active in a local municipality. Not to be afraid to seek change, to ask for transparency. Valdis Liepins inspired me to take part in what is happening in my local municipality…”


“To take brave steps, be active, not allow corruption to take place. To notify, stay engaged and not to give up in face of injustice. I feel so motivated and inspired to do my part and be part of change to help Latvia be place of integrity and transparency.”


“Fantastic new contacts, ideas for social entrepreneurship, activism. New understanding about how I as citizen can influence and control work of local and national governance.”


“It’s a bit early to comment on what I have gained… One I know for sure I’ve been inspired that one person can create change and do great things. Most important part is to dare to start. I’ve gained lots of useful tools, road map sketch for further action. Very useful list of new contacts and clear idea whom to contact when I need advices, support and guidance…”

Summer school was co-funded by European Commission (Project Nr. 2015CE16BAT098 “Integrity Pacts – Civil Control Mechanism for Safeguarding EU funds), Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Latvia (Project “Building a Nordic Anti-Corruption Data Ecosystem”) and private donors.


Pictures: Dāvis Ūlands.



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  1. dani
    2024-12-26 pulksten 11:19

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