Online conference “Whistleblowing: the Next Level” took place on 5 and 6 November 2020 to review the progress of Latvia and share experiences with other countries in this area. During these two days, experts from Latvia and other countries will spoke about the results achieved during the first year after adoption of the Whistleblowing Law, and the forthcoming improvements in the regulatory framework, as well as facilitation of whistleblowing and proper functioning and use of internal whistleblowing systems.
Transparency International Latvia / Delna and the Alliance Against Corruption in Latvia in cooperation with the State Chancellery and the School of Public Administration, invited all members and supporters of Delna and the Alliance, as well as entrepreneurs, representatives of law firms, whistleblowing contacts of public agencies, as well as other representatives of national and municipal bodies, prosecutors, judges, research fellows, journalists, students, and other interested parties to this conference.
On 5 November, the first day of the “Whistleblowing: the Next Level” conference, we reviewed the current progress, ideas, and opportunities for improving the current whistleblowing framework by transposing the European Union Whistleblowing directive. A special section of the conference was dedicated to foreign colleagues who protect the interests of whistleblowers in Lithuania, the Netherlands, and France, to share their experiences and ideas.
Furthermore, two panel discussions were planned during the first day of the conference. During one panel discussion, whistleblowing contacts were looking for a solution to challenges in processing whistleblowing reports, while the other panel discussion were dedicated to the efficiency of the guaranteed national protection of whistleblowers and the administrative liability of those who have taken action against them.
On 6 November, the second day of the conference, we discussed various topics such as how the protection of whistleblowers changes the society and the professional environment, what is the experience of organizations and companies and what benefits they expect after introduction of a well-functioning internal whistleblowing system, how to make sure that employees trust these mechanisms and how to facilitate whistleblowing. There was a special focus on whistleblowers who shared their practical experiences. Local speakers were joined by experts, whistleblowers, media and civil activists from the USA, Estonia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, and Serbia.
During the planned discussions, the participants and experts focused on various topics such as how whistleblower protection changes the society and the professional environment, what are the benefits of introducing an efficient internal whistleblowing system in organisations, what is the role of media and other actors in supporting whistleblowers, and how to develop and protect the whistleblowing system in the future.
The conference is co-financed by the Embassy of the United States of America in Latvia, The Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Latvia, and the World Federation of Free Latvians, as well as from the ESF project No. “Professional Development of Human Resources in Public Administration for Preventing Corruption and Reducing Shadow Economy”.
Videos from 1st Day
Videos from 2nd Day
See the conference programme
Whistleblowing Conference programme(pdf).
For additional information:
Inese Tauriņa
Manager of the Alliance against Corruption in Latvia
Transparency International Latvia / Delna