What is respect, courage, honesty and responsibility in the eyes of young people? How do young people value and see these values in relationships with other people and the state? Transparency International Latvia (Delna) invites everyone to the opening of the art exhibition “Respect, Courage, Honesty and Responsibility in the Eyes of Young People” and awarding of the authors of drawings on July 7, 2022 at 16:00 in the Small Guild Small Hall (Amatu street 5, Riga). The art exhibition will be opened by Inese Tauriņa, Director of Delna, Anita Muižniece, Minister for Education and Science of Latvia, Ruta Elvikis, Deputy Chief of Mission to U.S. Embassy in Latvia, and Lieske de Krijger, Deputy Head of Mission of Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Latvia. The exhibition will be open until July 29.
Delna, emphasizing the role of young people in strengthening a responsibility and legal duty of the state, in March 2022 invited young people aged 12 to 19 to take part in the drawing competition “I See“. We encouraged young people to choose one of the sub-themes of the drawing competition “Me and Honesty”, “Me and Responsibility”, “Me and Courage” or “Me and Respect” and to depict in their drawings how the chosen value is expressed in their actions and attitude towards others and the people around them.
At the end of the competition we received 133 works from 24 Latvian schools and 1 family. Most often young people depicted courage in their works – 57 drawings, responsibility – 30 drawings, respect – 23 drawings, honesty – 13 drawings. Several young people in the works had chosen to combine various values – 10 drawings. Each drawing has a title, young people have also added descriptions to their works, thus helping the viewer to understand the idea of the work and feel the drawing with the help of the written text.
The drawings reveal young people’s emotions and integrity, relationships with family, schoolmates and teachers, care for nature and animals, attitudes towards Covid-19 restrictions and the war initiated by Russia in Ukraine in February 2022.
The exhibition will feature Aleksandrova Elementary School, Baldone Secondary School, Daugavpils Unity Elementary School, Daugavpils Secondary School No. 9, Dobele Secondary School No.1, Dundaga Secondary School, Jānis Eglītis Preili State Gymnasium, Jelgava Elementary School “Valdeka” – Development Centre, J.G. Herder Riga Grizinkalns Secondary School, Jurmala Pumpuru Secondary School, Nereta Jānis Jaunsudrabiņš Secondary School, Riga Center Humanitarian Secondary School, Riga Secondary School of Culture, Riga Secondary School No. 6, Riga Secondary School No. 40, Riga Secondary School No. 63, Riga State Secondary School No. 2, Salacgriva Secondary School, Salaspils Secondary School No. 1, Skaistkalne Secondary School, Vabole Secondary School, Viesīte Secondary School and Zilupe Music and Art School students’ works.
We invite participants of the drawing competition, Latvian schools, institutions related to the field of education and culture and everyone interested to participate in the exhibition opening event.
At the opening of the exhibition we will award the authors of the best drawings in each of the sub-themes of the competition, the U.S. Embassy in Latvia, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Latvia and the Transparency Foundation will present sympathy prizes to young people.
The drawing exhibition will be open until July 29, free entrance.
Inta Ivanova, “Me and Respect”, the Skaistkalnes Secondary School (14 years)
The project is supported by the United States Embassy in Latvia, the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Latvia and the Transparency Fund. The Riga Municipality and the Small Guild offer premises of the exhibition.